Released on October 20th, 2023. Thank you so much for listening.

Album art by the incredible jen fountain @luna.lingua


Released on July 11th, 2023. Thank you so much for listening.

Album art by the incredible jen fountain @luna.lingua


Released on June 11th, 2023. Thank you so much for listening.

Album art by the incredible jen fountain @luna.lingua


Released on June 5th, 2023. Thank you so much for listening.

Album art by the incredible jen fountain @luna.lingua



Released on March 29th, 2023. Thank you so much for listening.

Album art gifted to me by my dear Sister of the Earth, Randi Hoyt.


One of my greatest passions in life is to sing, especially Medicine Music. Here you will find a link to my brand new EP that is being release on February 22nd. Thank you so much for listening.


This song started coming through as soon as the heavy cloud of the pandemic approached in March 2020. There was a very "uncomfortable" feeling in the air and I could feel the Collective starting to squirm. Even though there was this Pandemic cloud looming and approaching, it simultaneously felt like a huge dose of Divine Light was making its way onto the planet. I was feeling so much at the time. I would continuously come back to this melody. It felt like, as I was singing it, I was surrendering to The Light and letting it stream into me and my space. It consistently provided relief and after I would sing Letting in the Light, I would open my eyes and see+feel that the energy in my space would be vibrating at a Higher Frequency, with sprinkles of Divine Light all around. It's a great song to listen to bring relief to the energy of RESISTANCE.

When I first started receiving this song, I honestly thought it was mainly meant to be received at the beginning of Medicine Ceremonies to help participants surrender to the journey. Trust the Plants, Trust the Medicine, and Be Brave. Once it was fully birthed, I realized it was meant for much more than that and it was more like an anthem of the times we are in. Everything is changing, all around us. We are entering into the Wild Unknown. Nobody knows what's going to happen. These last couple of years have been incredibly destabilizing for humanity at large. Can we Trust our Bodies, Trust our Hearts and Souls? Can we Anchor Down Deep and reach up High to the Heavens? Can we be BRAVE enough to Trust our Visions and our Missions we came to the planet to accomplish? We are going into the Wild Unknown...Trust Trust Trust...and Be Brave.

I was watching the mini DocuSeries called "How the Universe Works" and heard this quote by Professor Lawrence Krause, a Theoretical Physicist, “You may wonder what Stardust is. Well, you’re Stardust. Every atom in your body was produced inside the fiery core of a star. You are -literally- a Star Child.” and I was so amazed that it's PROVEN that we are LITERALLY MADE OUT OF STARDUST. I immediately shut my laptop, grabbed my guitar, and received this song. This song is an invitation for us to remember that we are pure Vibration/Light and made up mostly of Space. This song is great to listen to whenever we’re feeling the density of this Earth Plane. Also, a reminder to not take life too seriously. Let this song be a vacuum to release density from your cells and energy body.

This song was inspired by all my fellow Light Workers out there across the globe, Leading and Serving, Healing and Opening their Hearts, sharing their Medicine. This is a song of HOPE that we ARE DOING IT,  IT IS HAPPENING.  Keep going, Keep Opening your Heart, Keep SINGING!  As we Open our Hearts and Sing, we are LITERALLY singing Heaven to Earth with the codes and vibration coming THROUGH our voices onto and into Mama Gaia. When we sing/sound/tone with Intention, we are reaching up and grabbing hands with the Divine. Mother Earth is asking for each of our unique frequencies.  We are singing Heaven to Earth when we bring the Heavenly Divine Frequencies THROUGH us and into/onto Mama Gaia. All we have to do is Open our Hearts and SING.

 ‘Rhiannon’s is a voice that travels across lifetimes. Through the mystic realms, born from starlight, her frequency has come once more to touch humanity.

Like purest water flowing over a crystalline riverbed, her sound is a healing instrument reminding us of our divinity. Open your heart to her music, and you will come home.’ ~ Saetha Evans 


Rhiannon’s greatest passion is connecting to The Divine and creating High Vibrational Medicine Music. Thank you so much for supporting so that she can continue in the process of recording and producing future releases for you to receive.

If you would like to tune into the very special Ceremonial Album Release Virtual Gathering that took place on the 222 Portal in February of 2021, you are Invited to brew yourself a cuppa Cacao or any nourishing elixir and drop into Ceremony with Rhiannon & some members of her Soul Family who showed up to celebrate the release of the STARDUST EP.

Hear more of the behind the scenes stories of how each song on my STARDUST EP was received and created, and have your own Medicine fed, nourished, inspired & activated within this Ceremony as well. Thank you so much for Receiving.

Many Blessings to YOU.