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AUM Chant & Prayers

AUM (or Om ) is said to be the original sound, the Sound of Creation. 

AUM chanting is a form of meditation, bringing Presence and Intention into the are of creating an incredible high-frequency field to bask in, to absorb the healing vibrations, as well as to create sacred space to place our prayers.

What to Expect: We will do the AUM Chant Meditation for 30 minutes, (via recording of Richard Rudd [The Gene Keys]) creating this field together.  Once complete, we will bask in this field and speak our prayers out loud (or silently).  Sacred Space will be created to pray for

  • The Collective as a whole/Earth 🕯

  • our Local Environment/Community 🕯

  • as well as for Ourselves/our Families 🕯

As we have all heard and perhaps experienced….Prayer, experienced as a group is especially powerful. 

Come if you feel called to create this space together, for the Highest and Greatest Good of All.

To Register for this event:

VENMO @Steph-Abrams (please include email to Venmo note)

I am asking for a minimum donation of $11 to contribute towards the cost of the venue.

(if you need this event to be free for you, just email me at to let me know).

***For those of you who would like ceremonial-grade Cacao to be a part of your experience, thank you for sending $22 (or feel free to bring your own cacao/tea/kava/healing elixir).

PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL on Venmo Note, when registering. If you do not have Venmo, email me at for other ways to register.

Once registered, keep an eye out for an email I will send to you —24-48 hours before— our gathering.

December 1

Community KAKAO Gathering

February 14

Valentine's Day Cacao Ceremony